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MicroK8s overview


As the deployment and management of multi-container applications have become prominent for achieving scalability and reliability, Delphix introduced Kubernetes support for DCT in the past. Kubernetes (K8s) is an open-source platform tailored toward automatic management, scaling, and maintenance of containerized workloads. Data Control Tower (DCT) with Kubernetes, and now MicroK8s, work to streamline deployments and minimize operational overhead for users.

MicroK8s is a solution for those seeking the benefits of Kubernetes, without the complexity and resource requirements of a full-scale deployment. MicroK8s is a single-package, fully conformant Kubernetes distribution that is both lightweight and production-ready. Designed to run on Linux, Windows, and MacOS, MicroK8s offers a seamless experience across platforms.

DCT is designed to run and is supported on any Certified Kubernetes platform that supports Helm. See the full statement in the Getting started page.

Transition from Docker Compose

Transitioning from Docker Compose to MicroK8s for DCT would leverage Kubernetes' robust features while still maintaining simplicity and minimizing operational overhead, providing the benefit of scalability, reliability, and agility offered by containerized deployments.

For more information in regards to MicroK8s, visit the MicroK8s documentation.

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