Discovery jobs (read-only)
DCT has had UI and APIs to expose masking jobs, but not for discovery jobs (profiling jobs). This feature aims to enhance the compliance job entity to incorporate both masking and discovery jobs. With this change, in the compliance job UI, users should now be able to see the discovery jobs alongside the compliance jobs. All existing UI pages that apply to compliance jobs also apply to discovery jobs (certain metadata for read-only may apply/not apply depending on masking vs discovery). And users can also execute the discovery jobs from DCT side in the same way.

The compliance jobs list has been modified to show both the compliance jobs, as well as the discovery jobs. The new Type column (which takes the value of Masking, Discovery, Tokenization, or Re-Identification) helps to differentiate the jobs in this list.

All the existing pages for compliance jobs also apply for discovery jobs, but discovery jobs still have some unique metadata. In the Overview tab for a compliance job’s detail page, if the job is discovery, there will be a link to the Discovery Policy, as shown above.

Another feature unique to discovery jobs is the Discovery Result tab, which lives inside the execution details page. This tab shows the list of tables/columns or files/fields discovered, and the data classes and algorithms that were assigned to them.
Discovery results are not available until the execution is in a final state (succeeded, failed, or warning). If users enter this tab beforehand, there will be a warning message, and no results will be shown. The page will monitor the status of the execution. After the execution is final and after the data is collected by telemetry, the page will update accordingly.