VDB Groups
VDB Groups introduce a new functionality that allows users to organize and manage VDBs in a comprehensive listing page, accessible under the Data tab in DCT version 20.0.0 and above.

Latest changes
Please expand the list below to see the full details of all changes to VDB Groups, mostly highlighting new features and capabilities that have been added.
Creating a VDB Group
The creation of a VDB Group is facilitated through a three-step wizard:
Add identifying details for the VDB group, including Name and Tags.
Provision Point
Select one or multiple VDBs to include in the group based on user needs.
Operation Order for VDBs
Add the order for the selected VDBs to ensure the operations are run sequentially for each of them.
Review the configurations and click Save VDB Group to finalize the creation process.
Viewing and managing VDB Groups
Once created, VDB Groups are displayed in a list with several columns of information: Name, Status, Platform, Last Refresh, Tags
Users can select the View button from the group list to open the details page of the selected VDB Group.

VDB Group detail page
The detail page for each VDB Group includes two tabs:
Overview tab
Status: Displays the status of each VDB within the group.
Number of VDB sets: Indicates the number of VDB sets.
Details: Includes information such as Last Refresh and Tags.
VDBs Tab
Displays the VDBs that are part of the VDB Group, with the following columns of information: Status, Name, Creation Date, Last Refresh, Platform, Engine, Compliance, Tags
Bookmarks Tab
Displays the compatible bookmarks that are part of the VDB Group, with following columns of information: Bookmark Name, Source VDB Group, Creation Date, Expiration Date, Data Timestamp and Tags
Access Tab
Displays the access, with the following columns of information: User, Access Groups, Permissions
The Actions menu in the top corner of this page has the following options:
Delete: Delete the VDB Group.
Create Bookmark: Creates a bookmark on the VDB Group.
Start: Starts all VDBs within the VDB Group.
Stop: Stops all VDBs within the VDB Group.
Enable: Enables all VDBs within the VDB Group.
Disable: Disables all VDBs within the VDB Group.
Lock: Locks all VDBs within the VDB Group.
Unlock: Unlocks all VDBs within the VDB Group.
VDB Group refresh from the Latest Point-in-Time
Click Refresh in the top right corner of a VDB Groups' details page for the Refresh wizard.
In the Select Refresh Source tab, choose the Parent Refresh option.
In the Refresh Point tab, there is now an option to refresh from Latest Point in Time (slower), in addition to the Latest Snapshot option (selected by default).

The Summary page will show the latest point in time for each VDB under Date/Time.
There are 6 VDB results shown at one time, scroll down to show more (load times may vary).
Use the Refresh VDB Group button at the bottom to initiate the process. You do not need to load all the VDB results in order to initiate the refresh.

VDB Group refresh to exact date/time (from self)
Click Refresh in the top right corner of a VDB Groups' details page for the Refresh wizard.
In the Select Refresh Source tab, choose the Parent Refresh option.
In the Refresh Point tab, there is now an option to refresh from Exact Timestamp (slower), in addition to Latest Snapshot (selected by default) and Latest Point in Time.
Input a timestamp and click Next for the Summary page, which provides details for the refresh process.
Summary page
These details include source name and timestamp information. Here is a breakdown of how the information is shown:
Source Name
Displays the source name, which can be:
A dSource or VDB in the case of a parent refresh.
A VDB in the case of a self-refresh.
Date Time Display
If a snapshot is found for the specified timestamp, its timestamp will be displayed in the "Date Time" column of the corresponding VDB.
If the specified timestamp is unavailable for any VDB in the VDB Group, the closest previous snapshot timestamp will be displayed for that VDB, along with a warning banner.
If no results are available for the specified timestamp, an error banner will be displayed against the corresponding VDB in the VDB Group.
Log Delta
Display the time difference between the timestamp entered by the user and the found snapshot timestamp.
A maximum of 6 VDB results are shown at a time, with additional results loaded by scrolling (load times may vary). The Refresh VDB Group button at the bottom can be used to initiate the process without needing to load all the VDB results.