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Deployment methods and architecture

The articles in this section will explain all of the required steps to deploy DCT on your container platform of choice. This page offers an overview of deployment methods and architecture.

Data Control Tower is a container-based architecture that can be deployed with Kubernetes, OpenShift, or deployed via virtual appliance (OVA image).


The DCT architecture is comprised of multiple micro-services, each running on individual pods, which allows DCT to execute highly flexible deployment by enabling users and IT organizations to enact their own backup, scaling, and resiliency standards associated with hosting container-based applications. Below is an architectural diagram of all the services that make up DCT, as well as the persistent storage for maintaining relationship metadata.

DCT is multi-cloud enabled, which means that a single DCT instance can be deployed to orchestrate (via HTTPS) Continuous Data and Continuous Compliance workloads with Delphix Engines located in other networks. Alternatively, DCT can be localized to engines located within a network. DCT is a lightweight management application, which means that it does not require a highly performant connection to complete its work and can serve as a central management layer for Delphix Engines globally.

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