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Managing classifiers (read-only)


DCT 19.0.0 introduces a new read-only user interface for users to view metadata and configurations of their classifier objects across all connected engines, in a centralized location.

Accessing the Classifiers UI

  1. From the top navigation bar, select Compliance.

  2. In the side navigation, click on Data Classifiers.

  3. Select the Classifiers tab.

This page provides an overview of all classifiers across all engines.


Classifiers page

The Classifiers page displays a paginated list of classifiers. Each entry in the list includes details such as:

  • Classifier Name

  • Framework

  • Data Class Assignment

  • Other relevant metadata

Classifier details page

Each classifier in the list includes a View button, which opens a dedicated details page. This page provides a higher level of granularity on the classifier's metadata and configuration.

The details page contains three main tabs:

  1. Overview

    • Displays general metadata about the classifier.

  1. Configuration

    • Shows the configuration for the classifier.

    • The configuration details vary based on the classifier's framework.

    • Examples of configurations for each of the four supported classifier frameworks are provided.

  1. Access

    • Displays information about users, access groups, and permissions related to the classifier.


Tag management

While the experience is primarily read-only, users have the ability to add or remove tags for each classifier.

API Support

Several new APIs have been introduced to support the classifier feature:

  • GET /classifiers – Retrieve the list of classifiers.

  • POST /classifiers/search – Search classifiers based on provided filter expressions.

  • GET /classifiers/{classifierId} – Retrieve a classifier by its ID or name.

  • GET /classifiers/{classifierId}/tags – Retrieve the list of tags associated with a classifier.

  • POST /classifiers/{classifierId}/tags – Create new tags for a classifier.

  • POST /classifiers/{classifierId}/tags/delete – Delete tags from a classifier.

By using these APIs, users can programmatically interact with the classifiers, facilitating integration with other systems and automation processes.

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