Operations Monitoring
The Operations Monitoring feature allows users, such as Database Administrators (DBA), Developers, CISOs, and Database Managers, to monitor system operations related to data virtualization and masking. Users can view all operations and their statuses (completed, in progress, or error) on the Operations page.
This page will display operations based on the user’s read permission on the associated object. Click on a specific operation to view additional details, including the related object name, the operation type, the current status, a progress indicator (if in progress), and any additional metadata related to the operation.
The Operations page is accessible from Administration > Operations or the View All button on the Operations Monitor Bar, which is described below.
Operations Monitor Bar
The Operations Monitor Bar appears at the bottom of pages to display user-initiated operations, with those completed being auto-dismissed. Operations with errors or in progress remain until the user dismisses them from the bar. In-progress operations display the operation type and object name. By default, the Operations Monitoring Bar toggle button will be available on all pages of the application.
When logging into the application, the Operations Monitoring Bar will be hidden by default. There will be two triggers for showing it:
Click on the icon (Operations Monitor Bar toggle button) in the top right.
Initiate an action like VDB refresh or compliance operation execution.
The bar has a View All button that navigates to the full Operations page and an actions menu, represented by a vertical "more" icon, that displays available actions for that operation. Visibility of the bar can be toggled on from the “memory” icon in the top right corner.
The system will execute operations either manually by users or by automated tasks. If an operation encounters an error, the error details can be viewed on the Operation Details page. Notifications based on operation status changes will be covered in future brief and are not in the scope of this product brief.
The Operations Monitoring Bar will show the following:
Operations initiated by the user.
Operations initiated during the current session.
Initially the Operations Monitoring Bar will always be empty upon login.
Operations marked as Monitor by the user in the full Operations page.
Operations currently running and failed.
Additional notes
Close and reopen the Operations Monitoring Bar as needed by using the toggle button located in the top right corner (within the top banner).
The successfully completed operations will auto dismiss. In other words, when any operation completes, the status changes from RUNNING to COMPLETED and it will be auto-dismissed/auto-removed from the Operations Monitor Bar. For any other status, such as CANCELED, ABANDONED, FAILED, SUSPENDED, TIMEOUT etc., auto dismiss will not occur.
Click the three-dot menu icon on any operation in the Operations Monitor Bar to dismiss and remove any operation from the Operations Monitor Bar by selecting this action from the
When logging out and logging in again, the Operations Monitoring Bar will revert to being empty. The application will not retain the state of the Operations Monitoring Bar between user sessions.
The View All button will navigate users to the Operations page.
The View Details button will navigate users to the Details page of the specific operation.