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VDB operations

The developer experience will continue to see investment and additional capabilities over the next few releases.

The VDB operations UI serves as an actionable command center for admins and developers. With this UI, users can migrate from using the local engine UI to leveraging DCT to do their daily VDB-related work. This encompasses both continuous data as well as any developers leveraging Delphix Self Service.

The core benefit of this UI experience is the breadth of access coupled with DCT's access control system. Using both together, a user can access and act upon any data on any connected engine within the boundaries of the entitlement and permissions set by the admin-driven access control system.

To access the VDB operations UI, users only need to log into DCT and select the detailed view of any particular VDB.

Users will only be able to see VDBs if they have been granted access via the Access Control system.

From there, users can perform common operations such as refresh, rewind, and bookmark using the Active Timeline tab. Developers have additional functionality with the Timeline History tab that exposes non-active timelines (also known as timeflows). 

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