Data Classes/Domains
Data Classes are known as Domains on the Continuous Compliance Engine, they identify specific types of sensitive data and which algorithms are used to mask it. DCT recreates all Domains discovered through telemetry as Data Classes. This feature allows users to see all the Data Classes on the DCT-registered Continuous Compliance Engines. The Name, Default Algorithm, Source (engine), and Tags columns are shown by default.
Data Classes are currently read-only, with the exception of updating the description, example, and tags.
This feature allows users to see all the Data Classes on the DCT-registered Continuous Compliance Engines. The Name, Default Algorithm, Source (engine), and Tags columns are shown by default.

There is an additional, optional column for the Default Tokenization algorithm.

Overview tab
This tab displays the metadata for a Data Class.
DCT adds optional Description and Example fields to Data Classes. Domains on Continuous Compliance engines do not have these fields, so although the Data Class feature in DCT is currently read-only, these 2 fields are editable in DCT.

Algorithms tab
This tab lists the algorithms of the Data Class.

Access tab
Standard page for showing users, access groups, and permissions.
API endpoints
GET /data-classes
– Retrieve the list of Data ClassesPOST /data-classes/search
– Search for Data ClassesGET /data-classes/{dataClassId}
– Get a Data Class by IDPATCH /data-classes/{dataClassId}
– Update the description and/or example for a Data ClassGET /data-classes/{dataClassId}/algorithms
– Retrieve the list of algorithms for a Data ClassPOST /data-classes/{dataClassId}/algorithms/search
– Search for algorithms of a Data ClassGET /data-classes/{dataClassId}/tags
– Get tags for a Data ClassPOST /data-classes/{dataClassId}/tags
– Create tags for a Data ClassPOST /data-classes/{dataClassId}/tags/deleteDelete
– Tags for a Data Class