Job collection
DCT version release 2025.1.0 introduces a new type of object named Job Collection, which is a convenient way to execute a list of compliance jobs both sequentially and in parallel, or a combination of both.
A Job Collection consists of a list of compliance jobs, called “members”. Each member compliance job is assigned a sequence number. When the user executes the Job Collection, it executes the member compliance jobs in ascending order according to their sequence number. This enables both sequential execution and, by means of assigning the same sequence number to multiple members, parallel execution.
Standard compliance jobs and Hyperscale compliance jobs are supported in a Job Collection. While the feature is designed around standard compliance jobs (since a compliance job entity in DCT encapsulates all masking, profiling, tokenization, and re-identification jobs on the engine), they can both be included in a Job Collection.
A UI is available to create, read, update, and delete a Job Collection, as well as manually executing or cancelling one. In addition, a Job Collection can be automatically executed per VDB refresh on a Continuous Data engine. This feature aims to address a pain point of using hook scripts to execute multiple compliance jobs per VDB refresh.
Job Collections interface
Once logged into DCT, navigate to the Compliance tab at the top, then select the Job Collections section on the left.

Each row in the Job Collections lists the member compliance jobs, with an expansion arrow left of name of the job. Clicking on the View button on a row takes you to the details page of a Job Collection.

The Details tile in the Overview shows the date/time of creation for the Job Collection, while the Tags tile shows any associated tags.
The Configuration tile has a Description (if applicable) and Job Failure Settings determines what happens when a member compliance job fails, which can be one of three values:
Stop progress if ANY job fails.
Stop progress if ANY sequential job fails.
Attempt to run all jobs ignoring failures.
This can be modified by clicking on the Edit button next to the tile’s title, which will open an edit window.
The Actions menu dropdown includes a list of actions such as executing/cancelling, renaming, and deleting the Job Collection.

The Execution History tab shows a list of executions for a Job Collection. Each row is an execution with a View option to see the details for that particular Job Collection execution.

The Associated Jobs tab contains a list of member compliance jobs. In this view, you can add or remove compliance jobs to/from this Job Collection.
To modify the order of a member compliance job, click on the Edit button at the top of the page, which will cause the grid to transition to an edit mode. Use numbers to sequence the order.
To add a compliance job to the collection, click on the + Jobs button, which will open a creation window.
Please note that a single compliance job can belong to, at most, one Job Collection.