Migrate to OpenShift
Installations starting on Docker Compose may be migrated to OpenShift by moving the persistent data store using the following steps. In-place upgrades from Docker Compose to OpenShift are not supported.
During the migration process, there will be a downtime period where the service cannot be used.
Migration Process
Stop DCT services. In order to avoid a situation of losing data, stop serving the upcoming traffic with:
~$ docker-compose stop
Copy the Postgres Docker volume folder data on a local machine with:
~$ mkdir database
~$ docker cp {dbcontainer_Id}:/var/lib/postgresql/data ./database
Copy the encryption key Docker volume folder data on a local machine with:
~$ mkdir data_key
~$ docker cp {gateway_container_id}:/data ./data_key
Mounted Docker volume folder content for database is copied in database folder on local machine.
Mounted Docker volume folder content for encryption key is copied in the
folder on local machine.
Move the copied volume folders (database and data_key from the previous step) to the Kubernetes host machine where DCT is up and running.
Update the values.yaml file to add the list of certificates which were used in the previous DCT version (present in mounted trustStore). Update the deployment with the new values.yaml file.
Terminate the proxy pod to stop serving external traffic with:
~$ oc scale --replicas=0 deployment/proxy -n dct-services
Terminate the database to stop internal threads using the database with:
~$ oc scale --replicas=0 deployment/database -n dct-services
Create a dummy pod to access the Persistent Volume. Use the Pod.yaml as an example:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
Namespace: dct-services
name: dummy-pod
app: dummy-pod
- image: ubuntu
- "sleep"
- "604800"
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
name: ubuntu
restartPolicy: Always
- name: gwdatabase-data
claimName: gwdatabase-data
Followed by this command to actually create the dummy pod:
~$ oc apply -f pod.yaml -n dct-services
Restore previous DCT version volume data with DCT deployed on the Kubernetes setup (in Persistent Volume).
Move the encryption key with:
~$cd data_key
~$ oc cp data dct-services/{gateway_pod_name}:/
Move the Postgres data with:
~$cd database
~$ oc cp data dct-services/{dummy_pod_name}:/var/lib/postgresql
Delete the dummy pod with:
~$ oc delete pod dummy-pod -n dct-services
Start the database pod (scale to 1) with:
~$ oc scale --replicas=1 deployment/database -n dct-services
Delete or patch the gateway pod with:
~ % oc delete pod {gateway_pod_name} -n dct-services
Delete or patch the data-library pod with:
~ % oc delete pod {data-library_pod_name} -n dct-services
Delete or patch the jobs pod with:
~ % oc delete pod {jobs_pod_name} -n dct-services
Delete or patch the data-bookmarks pod with:
~ % oc delete pod {data-bookmarks_pod_name} -n dct-services
Start the proxy service to serve the external service:
~$ oc scale --replicas=1 deployment/proxy -n dct-services