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DCT concepts


Data Control Tower (DCT) provides new and novel approaches to general Delphix workflows, delivering a more streamlined developer experience. This article will introduce these concepts to Delphix and how they work with DCT.


Virtual Database (VDB) groups

Virtual Database (VDB) groups are a new concept to Delphix, which enable the association of one or more VDBs as a single VDB group. This allows for bulk operations to be performed on the grouped VDBs, such as bookmark, provision, refresh, rewind, and others. This will assist in complex application testing scenarios (e.g. integration and functional testing) that require multiple data sources to properly complete testing.

With VDB groups, developers can now maintain data synchronicity between all grouped VDBs, which is particularly useful for complex timeflow operations. For example, updating VDBs to reflect a series of schema changes across data sources, or to reflect an interesting event in all grouped datasets. In order to maintain synchronicity among grouped datasets, timeflow operations (refresh, rewind, etc.) must use a bookmark reference.

In the above example, a VDB Group reference is created for three VDBs. At the end of the above timeline group, a developer decides to rollback those VDBs to a previous snapshot. By issuing a single command via the VDB groups endpoint, DCT will move all three back, ensuring that they all maintain referential synchronicity. 

Bookmarks and VDB groups are loosely related; a VDB group can exist in the absence of any bookmarks, and a bookmark can exist without any VDB group. It is important to note that the bookmark represents data, while the VDB group represents the databases to make this data available.

DCT will automatically stop an operation from executing if one or more objects are incompatible (e.g. provisioning a VDB group into a set of environments, where one of the VDBs is incompatible, such as an Oracle on Linux VDB provisioned onto a Windows environment).

VDB groups based operations will return a single job to monitor the overall status of the series of individual VDB operations. If one of those individual operations is unable to complete, DCT will report a “fail”, but any individual operations that are able to successfully complete will still do so.

Comparing Self-Service containers to VDB groups

As mentioned above, VDB groups are a crucial DCT concept that enable Self-Service functionality outside of the Self-Service application. Consider VDB groups acting similarly to Self-Service containers, in that it provides grouping and synchronization among VDBs, but VDB groups can provide a more flexible approach for users. Here are some additional points for example:

  • The same VDB can be included in multiple VDB groups

  • Including a VDB in a VDB group does not prevent operations on the VDB individually

  • VDBs can be added to or removed from VDB groups

  • VDB groups do not have their own timeline


DCT Bookmarks are a new concept that represents a human-readable snapshot reference that is maintained within DCT. This is not to be confused with Self-Service bookmarks, maintained separately within the Self-Service application. With DCT Bookmarks, developers can now reference meaningful data (e.g. capturing a schema version reference to pair with an associated code version, capturing test failure data so that developers can reproduce the error in a developer environment, etc.) and use those references for any number of use-cases (e.g. versioning data as code, quickly provisioning a break/fix environment with relevant data, etc.). DCT Bookmarks are compatible with both VDBs and VDB groups, and can be used as a reference for common timeflow operations such as:

  • Provisioning a VDB or VDB group from a bookmark

  • Refreshing a VDB or VDB group to a bookmark

  • Rewinding a VDB or VDB group to a bookmark

DCT Bookmarks have associated retention policies, the default value is 30 days, but policies can be customized anywhere from a day to an infinite amount of time. Once the Bookmark expires, DCT will delete the bookmark.

Bookmarks are compatible with individual VDBs and VDB groups. Bookmark Sharing is only available for engines on version 6.0.13 and above.

DCT Bookmarks, when created, initiate a snapshot operation on each and every VDB in order to maintain synchronicity between each VDB. In that same vein, bookmark-based VDB group operations will have each VDB-specific sub-process run in parallel (as opposed to sequentially) to reduce drift between grouped VDBs.


Jobs in DCT are the primary means of providing operation feedback (PENDING, STARTED, TIMEDOUT, RUNNING, CANCELED, FAILED, SUSPENDED, WAITING, COMPLETED, ABANDONED) for top-level operations that are run on DCT. Top-level operations represent the parent operation that may have one or more child-based jobs (e.g. refreshing a VDB group is the parent job to all of the individual refresh jobs for the grouped VDBs under the VDB group reference).

Top-level jobs will report a “FAILED” status if one or more child jobs fail. For child jobs that can complete, DCT will continue to complete those jobs even if a parent job reports a failure.


DCT Tags enable a new business metadata layer for users and consumers to filter, sort, and identify common Delphix objects, to power any number of business-driven workflows. A tag is comprised of a (Key:Value) pair that associates business-level data (e.g. location, application, owner, etc.) with supported objects. DCT 2.0 and above support the following Tags:

  • Continuous Data Engines

  • Environments

  • dSources

  • VDBs

Developers and administrators add and remove tags using tag-specific object endpoints (e.g. /vdbs/{vdbId}/tags) and can leverage tags as search criteria when using the object-specific search endpoints (e.g. using filtering language to narrow results).

Some sample tag-based use-cases include:

  • Refreshing all the VDBs owned by a specific App Team using an “Application: Payment Processing” tag. This would be accomplished by querying “what VDBs have the (Application: Payment Processing) tag" and feeding those VDB IDs into the refresh endpoint.

  • Driving accountability for VDB ownership by tagging primary and secondary owners for each VDB (e.g. (primary_owner: John Smith), (secondary_owner: Jane Brown)). That way, if a VDB is overdue for a refresh, tracking down an owner is a simple tag query.

Tags are registered as an attribute that is specific to an object as opposed to a central tagging service. As a result, tag-based querying can only be done on a per-object type basis.

A supported object can contain any number of tags.

Tag-based filtering

All taggable objects support tag-based filtering for API queries that adhere to the search standards documented in API References. A few examples of how tag-based filtering can be used are as follows:

List all VDBs of type 'Oracle', of which IP address contains the '10.1.100' string and which have been tagged with the 'team' tag, 'app-dev-1'.

database_type EQ 'Oracle' AND ip_address CONTAINS '10.1.100' and tags CONTAINS { key EQ 'team' AND value EQ 'app-dev-1'}


Stateful APIs

All applicable DCT APIs are stateful so that running complex queries against a large Delphix deployment can be done rapidly and efficiently. DCT accomplishes this by periodically gathering and hosting telemetry-based Delphix metadata from each engine.

Local data availability

DCT currently relies on existing Continuous Data and Compliance constructs around data-environment-engine relationships. This means that DCT operations require VDBs to live on the engine where the parent dSource lives and so on.

Engine-to-DCT API mapping

Wherever possible, DCT has looked to provide an easier-to-consume developer experience. This means that in some cases, an API on DCT could have an identical API on an engine. However, there are many instances of providing a higher level abstraction for ease of consumption; one example is the data inventory APIs on DCT (sources, dSources, VDBs), which are a simplified representation of data represented by the source, sourceconfig, and repository endpoints on the local engine (source, dSource, and VDB detail are all combined under those three endpoints).

Local references to global UUIDs

In order to avoid collision of identically-named and referenced objects, DCT generates Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUID) for all objects. For existing objects on engines like dSources and VDBs, DCT will concatenate the local engine reference with the engine UUID (e.g. 'Oracle-1' on engine '3cec810a-ee0f-11ec-8ea0-0242ac120002' will be represented as 'Oracle-1-3cec810a-ee0f-11ec-8ea0-0242ac120002' on DCT).

Environment representations

Environments within Delphix serve as a reference for the combination of a host and instance. This is coupled with the fact that environments can be leveraged by multiple engines at the same time and that engines often have a specific context to some of the elements that comprise an environment. For example, an environment could have both an Oracle and ASE instance installed and that Engine A leverages an Oracle-based workflow and Engine B leverages an ASE workflow. DCT will create two identifiers to represent the specific host and instance combinations. Thus, in DCT, Engine A will be connected to a different uniquely identified Environment than Engine B.

As mentioned earlier with Engine-to-DCT API mapping, DCT aims to simplify the user experience with Delphix APIs by combining different Continuous Data endpoints into a simplified DCT API. The Environment API does this by combining environment, repository, and host endpoints so that writing queries against Delphix data is a much simpler process. One example would be identifying all environments that have a compatible Oracle home for provisioning:

repositories CONTAINS { database_type EQ 'Oracle' and allow_provisioning EQ true AND version CONTAINS '19.2.3'}

Supported data sources/configurations

DCT is compatible with all Delphix-supported data sources and configurations.

Process feedback

Whenever a DCT request completes, it will return a JOB ID as its response. This Job ID can be used in conjunction with the jobs endpoint to query the operation status.

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