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Managing policies

The Policies section in Data Control Tower (DCT) provides an organized and centralized view of all policies, including Replication Retention, Retention, SnapSync, VDB Refresh, and VDB Snapshot policies. This guide explains how to navigate, view, and manage them.

DCT-Managed policies

DCT-managed policies are centrally managed within DCT for deployment on multiple Delphix Continuous Data or Compliance Engines. These policies are identified by a DCT_Managed prefix in their name on the Delphix Engine itself, but the name in DCT will remain the same.

Accessing policies

To view policy data in DCT:

  1. Navigate to Data > Policies.

  2. Expand the Policies tab to see the list of all available policies by type with key column details:

    • DCT Managed: Indicates whether this is a DCT Managed policy.

    • Engine: Specifies which Delphix Engine the policy applies to.

      • Note, since DCT Managed policies can be applied to multiple engines, results for them are not shown in this column.

    • Tags: Lists any tags associated with the policy.

    • More Details: Provides additional policy information.


Viewing policy details

Click on a policy to view its detailed information in the Overview tab, which includes:

  • Created By: The user who created the policy.

    • Engine-managed policies will only show the engine name.

    • DCT-managed policies will show the user who created it.

  • Created At: A timestamp of when the policy was created.

  • Configuration: Additional information about the policy's configuration.

  • Tags: Lists any tags associated with the policy.

The Policy Assignments tab at the top lists the dSources and/or VDBs to which the policy is applied.


Converting a Delphix Engine policy to DCT Managed

To convert an existing Delphix Engine policy into a DCT Managed policy:

  1. Navigate to the Data > Policies list.

  2. Select the desired policy and click View.

  3. Expand the Actions dropdown in the top-right corner and choose Convert to DCT Managed (shown in the image above).

  4. A popup will confirm that converting the policy enables updates within DCT and allows application to objects across different engines.

dSource/VDB policy management

To access the details page of a dSource/VDB with a policy, click the aforementioned Policy Assignments tab of a policy and select an associated dSource/VDB where its assigned. The general dSource list can be found by navigating to Data > Data Management > dSources [or] VDBs.

In the dSource/VDB details page, a new Policies tab has been added likewise, which all policies associated with the selected dSource/VDB.

To apply or remove policies in the Policies tab on a dSource/VDB:

  1. Select the Change Policy button on the desired policy.

  2. Select or deselect policies in the list that appears to apply or unapply them from the dSource/VDB.


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