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VDB refresh wizard


The VDB refresh wizard in the Data Control Tower (DCT) UI offers important engine refresh operations including:

  • Self-refresh by snapshot, timestamp, or location: Refreshes a VDB back to a point in its own history.

  • Refresh to parent by snapshot, timestamp, or location: Data is pulled from the VDB provision parent (the dSource or VDB from which the VDB was provisioned).

  • Refresh to relative by snapshot, timestamp, or location: Allows selection of data from either the origin dSource of the VDB or any VDB sharing the same origin dSource.

  • Refresh to bookmark snapshot: Refreshes a VDB to a compatible bookmarked snapshot.

To perform a refresh from a dSource or VDB, the account must have the REFRESH permission on both the VDB being refreshed and the dSource (or VDB) from which the data is being refreshed.

New changes in DCT version 19.0.0

Timeline selection in VDB refresh wizard

The VDB refresh wizard now shows the timeline to select the snapshot to refresh from. This timeline presents various refresh sources including Parent, Self, and Relative.

  • Bookmarks availability: Bookmarks are now available in all mentioned refresh sources in the refresh wizard.

  • Action button for bookmarks: The action button for the bookmarks will not be shown in the VDB refresh wizard on the timeline.

User interface

Initiating Self-Refresh by Snapshot

The Self-Refresh by Snapshot operation can be initiated as an action from the VDB's own active Timeline or Timeline History view using the action menu for snapshots.

A rollback could be required depending on the hook scripts, as a refresh can sometimes become a rollback.

Performing all refresh types

All three refresh types (Self, Parent, Relative) can be performed by opening the refresh wizard on the VDB Details page. The steps are as follows:

  1. Select Refresh Source:

    • Self-Refresh: Select a timeflow from the VDB’s own history, then a snapshot within the selected timeflow.

    • Parent Refresh: Select a timeflow from the VDB’s provision parent’s history, then a snapshot within the selected timeflow.

    • Relative Refresh: Select a relative dSource or VDB, then a timeflow, then a snapshot.

    • Refresh to Bookmark: Select a compatible bookmark from the VDB.

You can also refresh from a particular bookmark under the VDB details page, via the Bookmarks tab. Choose a bookmark from the list as the one to refresh from, then click the Actions menu and select Refresh to Bookmark. Source and Expiration Date columns are now populated in the Bookmarks list.

  1. Review and Submit:

    • Review the Summary page once configurations are complete, then click Submit. Refreshing happens asynchronously and takes various amounts of time. The DCT UI does not currently show asynchronous job progress or errors; please refer to the engine UI for this function.

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