Replication profile management
Data Control Tower (DCT) version 16.0.0 and above offers comprehensive CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionalities for replication specifications directly within the Delphix Engines registered with DCT. This enhances the management and efficiency of replication processes.
To leverage the new replication functionalities, you need:
A running instance of DCT.
At least one registered Delphix Engine.
One or more dSources or VDBs on the engine.
GUI access
Replication profiles Summary page: View all known replication profiles, including details like name, source, target host, and mode.
Profile Creation Wizard: Create new profiles using the guided wizard, initiated via the +Replication Profile button, available in the upper right corner of the page.
API support
Endpoints: Create, update, delete, and execute replication profiles directly through API calls.
Replication Spec Parameters: Greater visibility and control with the inclusion of previously absent parameters in the APIs.
Profile creation in SDD mode
Selective Data Distribution (SDD) mode (DCT 18.0.0 and up): Allows the creation of profiles where only masked VDBs can be selected.
VDB selection rules:
Only one masked VDB per parent dSource.
No multiple sibling masked VDBs from the same unmasked dSource.
Parent dSource or VDB (and its lineage) not automatically included, except for some data for disk space optimization.
Environments containing database instances used in a replicated VDB are included.
Only necessary database instances and repositories for replicated VDBs are included.

Getting Started
Access the Replication Profiles page by navigating to Data > Replication in the DCT GUI.

Creating and Setting Up Replication Profiles
Use the GUI wizard or API calls to set up new replication profiles by specifying parameters such as source, target, and replication mode.
Wizard sections
Mode: Engine Data replication, Selective Data Distribution (SDD), and Continuous Vault are available options as of the latest version, DCT 20.0.0.

Details: Includes Name, Description, and Tags (used in the DCT profile).

Target Engines: Only target engines registered with DCT can be selected.

Replication Objects: Chosen relative to the source engine selected from the dropdown menu.
Display Options: View only selected or unselected objects.
Filtering: Filter the replication objects tree nodes using the search input.

Parameters: Includes automated replication and traffic options similar to the Delphix Engine.
Tags: Existing source object tags can be incorporated onto replicas.

Summary: Review all configured details before saving the profile.

Additional GUI Details
Replication profile List page
View Button: Allows users to view and edit replication profile details directly from the list page. This is where existing replication profiles live.

Replication profile Details page
Actions menu: Lists actions that can be performed on the replication profile.
Delete: Deletes the replication profile, redirecting users back to the list page.
Replicate Now: Initiates the replication process immediately, displaying operations in the monitoring bar.
Start Failover (DCT 19.0.0 and up): Initiate a failover directly from the UI via Data > Replication > Replication Profile Details View > Actions > Start Failover. This helps minimize downtime during failover events.

Overview tab: Organized into four informative tiles:
Details tile: Displays replication mode, name, and description.
Target tile: Shows the target host name.
Replication Parameters tile: Contains settings like Automated Replication, Frequency, Encryption, Bandwidth, Connections, and Tag Inclusion.
Received Replicas list (DCT 19.0.0 and up): Access the Received Replicas list via Data > Data Engines > Engine Details View > Replication tab, which provides a comprehensive list of all received replicas.
Execution History tab: Shows the history of executions, including:
Last execution status and timestamp.
Start Time, End Time, Duration, Data Lag.
Edit options in each tile, accessible via the top-right corner.
API endpoints
Create Replication Profile
SHPOST /v3/replication-profiles
Update Replication Profile
SHPATCH /v3/replication-profiles/{replicationProfileId}
Delete Replication Profile
SHDELETE /v3/replication-profiles/{replicationProfileId}
Execute Replication Profile
SHPOST /v3/replication-profiles/{replicationProfileId}/execute
Key Parameters
: Profile's replication mode.description
: Brief description.schedule
: Replication schedule.targetEngineId
: Target engine's ID, hostname, and port.vdb_ids
: Lists of VDBs and dSources to replicate.tags
: Key-value pairs for categorizing profiles.
Example API Calls
Create Replication Profile
SHcurl -X 'POST' \ 'https://localhost/v3/replication-profiles' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: apk 1.4rJrWuVbB54W53ufEn6f5k8zDM9RUtOH4ciJtLGeVZNO0N6HnFt30WHMyj9WynKD' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "name": "replication-profile-name", "replication_mode": "ENGINE_DATA_REPLICATION", "engine_id": 1, "target_engine_id": 2, "target_port": 8415, "description": "description", "schedule": "0 0 0 * * ?", "tags": [ { "key": "key1", "value": "value1" }, { "key": "key2", "value": "value2" } ], "enable_tag_replication": true, "bandwidth_limit": 0, "number_of_connections": 1, "encrypted": false, "automatic_replication": false, "use_system_socks_setting": false, "group_ids": [ "1-GROUP-1" ] }'
Update Replication Profile
SHcurl -X 'PATCH' \ 'https://localhost/v3/replication-profiles/1-REPLICATION_SPEC-68' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: apk 1.4rJrWuVbB54W53ufEn6f5k8zDM9RUtOH4ciJtLGeVZNO0N6HnFt30WHMyj9WynKD' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "name": "string", "description": "string", "target_engine_id": "string", "target_host": "string", "target_port": 65535, "schedule": "string", "vdb_ids": [ "string" ], "dsource_ids": [ "string" ], "cdb_ids": [ "string" ], "vcdb_ids": [ "string" ], "group_ids": [ "string" ], "replicate_entire_engine": false, "bandwidth_limit": 0, "number_of_connections": 16, "encrypted": true, "automatic_replication": true, "use_system_socks_setting": true }'
Delete Replication Profile
SHcurl -X 'DELETE' \ 'https://localhost/v3/replication-profiles/1-REPLICATION_SPEC-68' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: apk 1.4rJrWuVbB54W53ufEn6f5k8zDM9RUtOH4ciJtLGeVZNO0N6HnFt30WHMyj9WynKD'
Other considerations
Password Vaults: Not supported for replication operations.
Profile IDs: Find IDs through the
GET /v3/replication-profiles
GUI operations: Currently, only profile creation is supported through the GUI. Future updates will expand GUI functionalities to cover more operations.