Timelines in DCT
A Timeline in Data Control Tower (DCT) helps to visualize and manage the progression and state of Virtual Databases (VDBs) over time; in essence, a chronological sequence of events in the life cycle of a VDB. The UI implementations of this feature help users trace, access, and manage the various stages of these data environments.
Each event within a timeline could be the creation of a new VDB, refreshing data from its source, or any operational activity that alters the VDB's state. These events are recorded with timestamps to provide a historical record of all activities and changes.
Noteworthy changes in the latest version of DCT include terminology updates, removal of redundant tabs, improved sorting functionalities, and the introduction of new search capabilities.
To utilize Timelines, users must have a running DCT Engine.
Terms and UI adjustments
The term Timeflow has been updated to Timeline throughout the application, aligning terminology more closely with its functionality.
The Active Timeflow tab has been removed from the VDB Details page. This change eliminates duplication, as the Timeline History tab already present on the same page serves a similar purpose.
Previously, dSource groupings based on time were featured in the Timeline History view. This grouping has been removed to simplify the timeline presentation.
Sorting capabilities
A new Sort By dropdown menu enhances how timelines can be organized, by allowing users to sort timelines using with following options:
Timeline Activation [default]: Timelines are ordered by their activation timestamp, ensuring the active timeline is displayed prominently at the top.
Timeline Creation: Sorts timelines based on their creation timestamp.
Parent Timeline Location: Organizes timelines by the timestamp of the parent timeline from which the data was refreshed.
Origin Timeline Location: Sorts timelines by the timestamp indicating where the original data (or dSource) originates.
Timeline metadata and search functionality
The active timeline is now always expanded to show the current VDB’s state and recent activities, making it easier to understand the current context of the VDB.
Timeline metadata now reflects the selected sort mode, displaying relevant timestamps in a clear and understandable format, such as "Timeline Activation: \<time\>", improving the ability to track timeline details.
A search feature has been added to the Timeline History, allowing for searches based on the top-line metadata of the timeline. This feature improves the efficiency of locating specific timelines or activities within the application.
Feature limitations
Please take note of these limitations regarding timeline metadata:
Connectivity issues: If the engine connectivity is lost, DCT cannot determine whether a timeline is active or its activation time, resulting in "not available" messages.
Renamed timelines: DCT infers timeline creation time from its default name. If a timeline is renamed, DCT cannot determine its creation time, leading to "not available" messages.
Engine timezone changes: Creation times are interpreted in the engine's timezone. If the engine's timezone changes, creation times may not accurately reflect the timeline's true creation time.