OpenShift authentication
DCT uses Nginx/OpenResty as an HTTP server and a reverse proxy for the application. Using the default configuration, all connections to DCT are over HTTPS and require the user to authenticate. There are three supported methods for authentication; API keys, Username/Password, and OpenID Connect.
Enable OAuth2 authentication
By default APIKey authentication will be enabled and when DCT starts it will generate a new API key in logs if you want to enable openId connect authentication then follow below procedure:
Update the below properties in the values.yaml file and restart DCT:
# flag to enable api_key based authentication
apiKeyEnabled: false
# flag to enable OAuth2 based authentication
openIdEnabled: true
# URL of the discovery endpoint as defined by the OpenId Connect Discovery specification. This needs to be set if 'openIdEnabled' is set to true
# OAuth2 jwt claim name that should be used as client_id
jwtClaimForClientId: sub
# OAuth2 jwt claim name that should be used as client_name
jwtClaimForClientName: sub