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Locking and unlocking a VDB

This feature allows users with LOCK and UNLOCK permission to lock and unlock a VDB, similar to the lock/unlock feature available via Self-Service containers on the Continuous Data Engine.

The VDB can be locked by a user with LOCK permissions for that particular VDB. Once a VDB is locked, all of the VDB operations (Refresh, Start, Stop, Delete, and Create Bookmark) are disabled for all other users.

The user needs the UNLOCK permission on the VDB to perform an unlock operation. Thus, only the user that locked the VDB OR a user with the FORCE_UNLOCK permission can unlock it. The FORCE_UNLOCK permission is only granted to the admin system role by default. 

Users cannot lock a VDB with refresh policies assigned to it or have any active engine job running at the time of locking. 

The VDB details page has the options to lock and unlock a VDB under the Actions menu. All VDBs are in the unlocked state by default, thus, the only option available at first is to lock the VDB.

A warning message is shown on the VDB detail page if the VDB is locked by a user.

Select the Actions menu on a locked VDB to show the unlock action.

Locking and unlocking a VDB via API

DCT also provides a capability for an account to lock the VDB on behalf of another account, but this is an API only feature. For an account to be able to lock the VDB on behalf of another account, it needs to have the LOCK_FOR_OTHER_ACCOUNT permission on the particular VDB. 

Formal documentation around the API signature and related payloads can be found via DCT API documentation in the Developer resources section. Below is an example of an account requesting to lock a VDB on behalf of an account with account_id 2. 

curl --location 'https://<APPLIANCE ADDRESS>/v3/vdbs/<VDB ID or NAME>/lock' \
--header 'Authorization: <APIKEY>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "account_id" : 2
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