Continuous Compliance workflows
Compliance Engines limit any syncing operations while a profiling or masking job is running. When using DCT job move, execute, or migrate operations, please ensure that the target Compliance Engine is in an idle state. Future Compliance enhancements to DCT will remove this limitation.
With the ability to distribute and run jobs, DCT enables advanced Compliance Engine architectures to be orchestrated and monitored using DCT’s real-time, persistent relationships with connected Compliance Engines. When syncing a Compliance Engine, DCT will create references for all Compliance jobs on that Engine. These will show up as unique objects tracked by DCT that can now be leveraged with job move APIs.
Listing and searching compliance jobs
When a Compliance Engine is registered with DCT, compliance jobs (referred to as MaskingJobs within the DCT API) on the Engine are automatically ingested and presented as DCT MaskingJob objects.
Example of listing all MaskingJobs:
curl -X 'GET' \
'https://<APPLIANCE_ADDRESS>/v3/masking-jobs' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: <API_KEY>'
Example of searching for OnTheFly MaskingJobs:
curl -X 'POST' \
'https://<APPLIANCE_ADDRESS>/v3/masking-jobs/search' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: <API_KEY>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"filter_expression": "is_on_the_fly_masking eq true"
With the new job move APIs, DCT can now be used to power two advanced masking reference architectures: Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) and Horizontal Scale architectures. SDLC enables the separation of duties for the development, quality assurance, and production use of masking jobs whereas Horizontal Scale enables the use of a central configuration engine with the movement of jobs to headless compute engines.
To enable these architectures, DCT has introduced three new operations: Job Copy, Job Execute, and Job Migrate:
Copy: Supports SDLC by copying a job, but maintaining separate references in DCT.
Execute: Supports Horizontal Scale by copying a job, but maintaining the same reference between two copies. DCT will also keep both of these copies in sync.
Migrate: Supports the movement of a single instance from one engine to another.
Consolidated operations (intelligent syncing)
DCT has simplified the set of operations required to move a job and its dependencies. Previously, orchestrating movement of jobs required three separate API calls: Job Sync, Global Object Sync, and Credentials Update (on the newly created job). DCT has now consolidated all three of these operations into each of the job move APIs. In addition, if two jobs are held in sync (see Job Execute), DCT will auto update synced jobs whenever one of those jobs has been modified (i.e. updated rule set, new algorithms, etc.).
In order to transfer connector credentials with a job as part of the job move, you will need to associate those credentials using the connector credentials API. See sample code below on how to update credentials.
Example of updating a MaskingJob with connector credentials:
curl -X 'PATCH' \
'https://<APPLIANCE_ADDRESS>/v3/masking-jobs/d53812ce-9186-485d-a388-44bc52087ead' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: <API_KEY>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"connector_username": "user123",
"connector_password": "password123"