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Adding a MSSQL Staging Push dSource

This page outlines the process for adding a MSSQL Staging Push dSource within Delphix Data Control Tower (DCT). This functionality is crucial for managing MSSQL databases, particularly in environments where staging operations are pushed to target engines. Integrate MSSQL Staging Push dSources into your DCT setup by following the Linking Wizard steps.


Ensure that a target engine, with the source backup already cloned, is registered in the DCT before beginning the linking process.

Linking process

dSource Type step

  1. Select dSource type: Begin the dSource Linking Wizard and choose the 'MSSQL Staging Push' option.

  2. Select Associated Engine: From the engine dropdown, select the desired target engine where the source backup is located.


dSource Configuration step

  • Configure dSource details: Enter the dSource Name, Database Name, select a Target Group from the dropdown, and enter Notes or add Tags, if desired.


Data Management step

  • Staging Environment selection: Choose the appropriate Staging Environment to host the staging database from the dropdown list.

  • Repository selection: Select the corresponding Repository version.


Summary step

  • Review configuration: Examine the summary, which includes includes information about the dSource type, target engine, database details, and any additional parameters set in the previous steps, to ensure that all configurations are correct and aligned with the requirements of the MSSQL Staging Push dSource.


Upon confirming and submitting the details in the Summary step in the Linking Wizard, the process of creating an Oracle Staging Push dSource is initiated. The new dSource will be integrated into the DCT environment and will be available for use once the setup is complete.

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