Managing VDBs
DCT provides the ability to view, search, sort, and filter all VDBs within a connected Delphix ecosystem. This page can be found under the Data section and is used to find and act upon all VDB if they have the appropriate access.

VDB overview
Individual VDB details can be seen and acted upon by clicking down on a particular VDB detailed view. Once clicked, users will be sent to an "overview" tab that provides relevant metadata related to the VDB.

VDB active timeline
Actionable snapshots are listed on the "active timeflow" tab - from this page, users can refresh, enable, disable, start, stop, delete, and create bookmarks on the VDB. Navigate to the Continuous Data workflows section, then VDB operations in the UI, and see Active timeline UI for more details.

VDB timeline history
A chronological history of all non-active timelines (commonly referred to as timeflows) is shown under the "Timeflow History" tab. From this page, developers can curate their QA or Development work by renaming timeflows to match their testing history. Developers also have the ability to access old timeflow data by making a particular timeflow "active". Navigate to the Continuous Data workflows section, then VDB operations in the UI, and see Timeline history UI for more details.

VDB bookmarks
A list of all bookmarks generated on the selected VDB can be found under the "Bookmarks" tab. This page provides a list of all bookmarks allowing for general organization and actions (developers can use bookmarks as a refresh or provision point from the API).

VDB access
Users are able to audit which users have access to this particular VDB, what access group they belong to, and the associated permissions that each user has on that VDB. Admins are able to click on the "View" button to access further details under the access control screen related to that specific user.

VDB templates
Importing and removing imported VDB templates from connected engines is an available action from the VDB Config Templates page.

Import templates
To import a template, select the engines from the list in the import dialog.

Remove imported templates
To remove a template, select the engines from the list in the remove dialog.