Read-only views of Hyperscale objects
After registering a Hyperscale Orchestrator, DCT will begin to ingest all relevant data discovered on that Hyperscale instance. This data, in turn, becomes modeled in the DCT world with APIs and a UI to (and manage to a limited extent). Currently, a lot of this data can be navigated to and viewed from the main overview details page of a Hyperscale Orchestrator.
Hyperscale executions
A view of all current and past Hyperscale job executions present on a particular Hyperscale Orchestrator can be found under the Job Executions tab. The View link will display additional information, especially for in-progress or failed executions.
Hyperscale jobs
A view of all Hyperscale jobs discovered on a Hyperscale Orchestrator can be found under the Associated Jobs tab.
The View link will take you to the Compliance Jobs details page where more information about the job can be found.
Hyperscale jobs are not separate entities in DCT, but rather are combined with standard Compliance jobs. Hence, this Hyperscale job details page can be navigated to from Compliance -> Compliance Jobs. There is a type
attribute (Hyperscale or standard) which helps differentiate between the different types.
Hyperscale compliance engines
A view of all Compliance Engines registered with a Hyperscale Orchestrator can be found under the Engine Pool tab.
When DCT discovers the engines registered with a Hyperscale Orchestrator, it will create DCT RegisteredEngine
entities out of them (if they don't already exist in DCT, as uniquely identified by the hostname). The result is a unified model where DCT RegisteredEngine
objects are what make up the "engine pool" in a Hyperscale Orchestrator. The same engines will appear under the Compliance -> Compliance Engines page.
Engine credentials will not be retrieved from the Hyperscale Orchestrator, so the created engines must be updated with credentials, along with any relevant security settings. The discovered engines will remain in the OFFLINE status until updated.
The created DCT engine entities are permanent, in the sense that even if the origin Hyperscale Orchestrator is unregistered, the engines in DCT remain as if they had been registered independently of Hyperscale.
Hyperscale mount points
A view of all mount points on a Hyperscale Orchestrator can be found under the Mount Points tab.